
Category: Uncategorized

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    Abyssinia, Henry

                His eyes opened. A discordant wall of barking and howling hits his ears. His nose fills with the putrid smell of ammonia, and rotting food. His feet slip on the floors that are so caked in feces, that the line between floor and filth is indistinguishable. Theres no food, save for day old frozen…

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    Finding Joy

                A large part of what I tell all of my clients is to find the fun in training. Be it separation anxiety, aggression, or working on basic cues, making training fun is such an important aspect. One of the reasons I think this is important, beyond the obvious, is that this helps change the…

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    But the Science Says!

    Why I don’t like invoking the science I spend a lot of time on social media, probably too much. Part of the reason is that there are a great deal of really interesting discussions happening all over the web about dog training, new techniques, and lots, and I mean lots of discussions on “traditional” dog…

  • Clickers, Labels, and you


    Clickers, Labels, and you

                There are many labels for dog trainers. There are balance trainers, there are “traditional”, there are hacks that use shock collars, there is the force-free crowd, and a million other labels I am sure I am missing. Today I want to talk about the label I most of the time find myself applying to…

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    Health vs Behavior?

                “Go talk to your vet” is a phrase commonly attributed to every good dog trainer and behavior professional. This might sound like strange advice if you are having a behavior issue. Obviously, a dog trainer should be able to help me through a behavior problem. Well like everything, it is never that simple. Health…

  • Compliance



    How often do you see signs saying to leash your dogs, or hear the phrase “My dog is friendly!”. Probably a lot, these phrases are a keystone of the work that I do. I think the funniest and most surreal interaction I have ever had was in downtown Newburyport. I was setting up a class…

  • My last dog was:


    My last dog was:

                I hear this phrase a lot when working with dogs. We all expect breeds to have some personality traits that are somewhat consistent. Because we expect having a dog in our life to be consistent. We don’t think about the moments rushing to an emergency vet. We don’t think about the moments when you…

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    Vlog #2: Real-Life Quadrants!

    Hi all! In this one, I talk about quadrants. Hopefully, make them a bit more understandable! If you have any questions or some questions you’d like answered let me know!

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    But I have more tools!

    I am not here to stir the pot or attack anyone, but I do need to spend a minute talking about “balanced training”. I am going to labor to try and give the strongest argument I can muster for balanced training. I am going to avoid talking about the physical and mental health risks, as…

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    First Vlog! What is a dog trainer?

    Hiya! In my first vlog I talk about what many of those letters you might see, and some tips on how to pick a dog trainer!